Index by Authors: S
Saint Augustine
(5) Theologian
Saint Thomas Aquinas
(19) Foremost philosopher and theologian of the Roman C
Salman Rushdie
(13) Anglo-Indian novelist
Salvador Dalí
(15) Spanish surrealist painter
Samuel Beckett
(84) Irish writer, dramatist and poet, ['¨Waiting for Godot' Nobel Prize in Literature in 1969]
Samuel Butler
(230) Novelist, iconoclastic Victorian-era English author
Samuel Johnson
(48) British author
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
(130) British poet, critic, and philosopher
(36) Roman Stoic philosopher, statesman, dramatist, known as Seneca the Younger, son of Seneca the Elder and tutor of Nero
Shimon Peres
(22) Israeli Politician
Shinzo Abe
(14) Japanese Politician
Sigmund Freud
(13) Austrian physician Founder of Psychoanalysis
Silvio Berlusconi
(10) Italian Politician
Simone de Beauvoir
(63) French novelist and essayist
Simone Weil
(1) French Philosopher
Sir John Eliot
(16) British Statesman
Sir Thomas Browne
(57) English author And polymath
(27) Classical Greek philosopher of Athens
(40) Greek tragidian ['Oedipus the King', 'Antigone']
Soren Kierkegaard
(34) Danish philosopher and writer
Spanish proverb
(45) French novelist
Stephen Hawking
(191) English Physicist
Steve Jobs
(100) American Businessman
Storm Jameson
(1) English journalist and author
Susan Sontag
(40) American Writerand filmaker